6 Liver-Friendly Foods You Should Be Eating

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Last Updated on February 6, 2021

3. Oily fish

Oily fish, like salmon, can be extremely helpful in reducing fat buildup and inflammation in the liver. This type of fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which means it will do wonders for your heart and brain. Besides this, you can also lower your BMI by eating oily fish. Salmon is one of the most expensive fish out there, so if that’s an issue for you, other oily fish options are sardines, sprats, trout, herring, and pilchards. Even if you prefer red meat, keep in mind that you still need other nutrients that you can only get form fish. Trying to consume fish at least once a week is a good way to start! 

4. Walnuts

If you’re looking for a quick snack that will keep you feeling full for a long time, then nuts are the best food for you.  They are super rich in healthy fats, nutrients, and have an amazing taste. If it wasn’t for their high-calorie intake, we would probably be eating them more often. Unfortunately, to benefit from walnuts, you just need to eat 5 of them per day. We know they might be addictive sometimes, but you shouldn’t eat more than 5 per day, especially if you wish to lose weight.  Due to their antioxidant properties, nuts can combat fatty liver disease and other health problems, which means they should be part of any diet.  Consider getting some walnuts next time you stop by the grocery store!

5. Olive oil

Like the other foods on this list, olive oil is known to reduce cardiovascular and liver diseases, especially when consumed every day.  So what is so special about olive oil? Some believe that the power that olive oil has over our liver health has to do with reducing liver enzymes, which ultimately leads to liver problems.  Try to add olive oil to your salads or mix it with your favorite meat, fish, or veggies.  Just keep in mind that olive oil is high on calories, so keep a count on it. 

6. Complex carbohydrates

First, what are complex carbohydrates?  Well, complex carbohydrates are not just a fancy word for carbs. They are actually better than normal carbs because they prevent large fluctuations of insulin because they digest slowly. Complex carbs usually possess a lot of nutrients and fiber. So if you want some of these, here are some foods that should be eating: ⎫ Wild rice ⎫ Brown rice ⎫ Corn ⎫ Whole oats ⎫ Whole-wheat bread and pasta ⎫ Broccoli ⎫ Carrots ⎫ Beans ⎫ Fruits Eating complex carbohydrates is necessary for a healthy body and liver. They also help prevent possible future diseases like types 2 diabetes or cardiovascular problems.  Now that you know how to care for your liver, you should make it your top priority to start a healthy diet as soon as possible, especially if you already have underlying conditions or liver problems.  Abstaining from tobacco and alcohol is also a necessity when fighting liver diseases. Losing weight can also be important, so consider weekly exercising, daily long walks, or frequent swimming sessions. In any case, you should always seek help from a professional who can give you the best treatment according to your medical history and lifestyle!


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