4 Surprising Benefits of Chocolate You Should Know

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Last Updated on October 31, 2020

3. Chocolate might help fight premature aging

Everyone wants to be forever young, and preserving their youthful looks is a goal for many women and men worldwide. Unfortunately, we can’t freeze time, but we can take some measures to slow it down. Because dark chocolate is filled with healthy antioxidants, eating a small amount of this delicious superfood can help fight sun damage and premature aging, according to the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.

4. Chocolate can provide stress relief

If you are the type of person who eats to relieve stress, you might have found yourself the perfect snack. Instead of falling for your sugary cravings, grab some dark chocolate instead and take some deep breathes while you eat it. This is a healthier alternative, but researchers have found that eating dark chocolate can reduce epinephrine levels and cortisol during stressful events. These are the fancy names given to the so-called stress hormones, and by eating small amounts of dark chocolate daily, you will be preventing stressful situations to get the best of you in the future. Keep in mind that these benefits can only be gained through dark chocolate at least 70% cocoa. Milk chocolate and dark chocolates with a lower cocoa percentage will present higher sugar levels, which can be bad, especially for people with type 2 diabetes. Read the labels, know what you are eating, make healthy choices and be happy! [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]


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