This Is What You Need To Know About Veganism

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#4 – Reasons to go vegan

Reasons to go vegan©

Whether you are doing it for the animals, or for your health, the number of reasons to go vegan are uncountable and very beneficial to our environment as well.

But first, let’s cover the most important reason: Vegan foods are very tasty and good, forget about the usual green salads, there are many other recipes that may blow your mind. Anyway, if you need more reasons, then here is a list that will make you consider going vegan.

1- Weight loss

Many vegans noticed a huge difference in their weight since they started a vegan diet because it is based on antioxidant-rich foods that are very low in fat. Plus, it is full of nutrients that can help prevent and lower the risks of deadly diseases like heart attacks, strokes, and many types of cancer, which means that they are losing weight in a very healthy and “humanly” way.

2- More energy

Many vegans admitted that after starting the diet they feel lighter, healthier, and more energized on a daily basis, it is because vegan food is easy to digest and very friendly to the stomach, while meat and dairy products are very hard to digest, which makes you feel tired more often.

Remember all the times when you go back to work after lunch and you start to fall asleep on your desk; most vegans don’t experience that (unless they didn’t have a good night sleep!).

3- Better Immune system

It is known that eating more fruits and vegetables improves the health of our immune system, and by lowering the meat consumption, the chances of protecting it will increase, as well as your chances of having a healthy body and preventing different illnesses. The immune system is the largest system you have next to the nerve system, protecting it is a must!

4- Protecting animals

Avoiding animal products is one of the most important ways to stand against animal cruelty. Many people believe that animals are smart creatures that have the right to live and be free. Also, we can all agree that people use very cruel ways to slaughter and kill them.

So, if you are still debating on whether you want to go vegan, watch one video of how animals are being slaughtered and you will be sold.




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