Here Are the 6 Ways To Build and Keep Your Bones Strong!

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

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#2 – Eat fish

Fish is very important because it is a source of proteins and nutrients that your bones needs.

Fish such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, and salmon contain calcium, healthy fats, Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D which helps strengthen bones and joints.

Studies have found that the Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil help increase bone formation and development, among other benefits on health like strengthening arteries, helping with weight loss, decreasing blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure, and preventing harmful blood clots.

#3 – Exercise more

What else do your bones need? They need to work out.

Physical activity is crucial to bone growth. It keeps your bones active, makes them stronger, and reduces the risk of losing calcium from your bones and developing osteoporosis, in addition to other serious diseases like heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Types of exercise include:

● Endurance exercise: jogging, dancing, and cardio workout.

● Flexibility: Yoga, shoulder, upper arm, and calf stretch.

● Balance: Pilates, tai chi, standing on one foot, etc.

● Strength: Weight-lifting, push-ups, pull-ups, leg squats, etc.

If you exercise once in a while, start exercising more to strengthen your bone, keep it strong, and protect your health from diseases.

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#4 – Curb caffeine intake

If you’re a coffee, tea or cola lover, you should learn to love them less because caffeine draions your bones from calcium and weakens them over time.

According to health experts, we lose around two to four milligrams for every cup of coffee. Caffeine reduces your bone mass and increases the risk of bone fracture.

You can compensate for the calcium you lose by drinking more milk and eating foods that are rich in this essential mineral.

#5 – Limit alcohol intake

Heavy drinking alcohol also increases the risk of osteoporosis since alcohol latches calcium away from bones. That is one of the reasons medical experts advise you to drink less.

Not only that but too much alcohol in your system interferes with your hormones and decreases estrogen which plays an essential role in the growth and development of your bones both in young and adult people.
Too much alcohol intake also destroys bone-making cells and leads to spine fractures.



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