Here Are The 6 Most Shocking Facts About French Fries

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Increased risk of premature death

© pexels

French fries seem to have a hand in many catastrophic diseases ranging from high blood pressure and obesity to heart and kidney disease. The truth is that in many of these cases, one out of three individuals might lose his or her life.

Taking frequent portions of French fries, thinking it is delicious and worth it, is going to kill you in no time. You might not be capable of sensing the symptoms of the diseases we have dwelled on previously at an early stage, but you will surely know once you are hospitalized. Things do not have to go this far.

Besides, you do not need a book about ‘diabetes for dummies’ or ‘heart chronic danger for dummies’ to understand that having fried foods on regular basis can harm your health. What is healthy or what is not is often a clear deal, but people tend to intentionally turn a blind eye on facts to get to do what pleases them.

There is no harm in this sometimes, but when your health is in question, you’d better be careful before it is too late. The study which was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition detected the link between premature death and eating French fries.

What they basically did is scrutinizing the data of 4.400 people, aged 45 to 75. They examined their diets and health for 8 years. By the time the study ended, 236 of the subjects have deceased. The reason was, according to the experts, the consumption of fried potatoes frequently.

There are millions of possible ways you can cook your potatoes in. You can even buy healthy potatoes chips or instant mashed potatoes. Do not try to deprive yourself of tasty foods, but you still need to eat healthy portions with high fiber and low calorie.

It would be even much better if you consider quitting fried foods and start steaming your food instead, the taste is remarkably impeccable. Try to opt for home-made recipes as well like carb-free tortillas.

If you have not started your consideration of the amount of salty French fries you consume, you’d better begin now. The clock is ticking and first actions matter.
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