7 Dental Care Mistakes That You Should Avoid!

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Last Updated on December 2, 2020

6. Skipping flossing

We get it. Flossing is boring, complicated, and time-consuming. But it is also a very important part of your dental care routine: it is the most effective way to remove the food debris in between your teeth. If it is not removed within 12 hours, this debris can harden into plaque and tartar. If your gums bleed when you floss, that’s a sign that you should be doing it more often! Poor oral hygiene makes your gums unhealthy and more sensitive. If you want strong, healthy teeth and gums you should floss at least once a day.

7. Brushing teeth immediately after meals

You should never brush your teeth immediately after eating your meal or drinking a sugary beverage. Besides the fact that mixing the taste of the food and toothpaste is highly unpleasant, it can also be harmful to the enamel. You should always wait at least 15 minutes.
Lastly, to ensure that you do not commit any mistakes during the two most important processes for your dental health (brushing and flossing), here’s a quick tutorial. Keep in mind that the brushing process should never last less than two minutes.
-Brushing teeth:

-Apply a small amount of toothpaste to your toothbrush.

-Keep your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums.

-Alternate between the back and forth movements in short strokes and a circular motion.

-Make sure to cover the whole surface of the teeth.

-Spit out the toothpaste without rinsing.

-Flossing teeth:

-Use 18 inches of floss and wind it around each middle finger (leave 2 inches of floss in between them).

-Hold the floss between your thumbs and index fingers.

-Slide it between your teeth.

-Curve the floss around the base of each tooth to get under the gum line.

-Switch to the clean parts of the floss as it will get dirty from tooth to tooth.