Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis? 10 Warning Signs!

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Last Updated on November 18, 2020

1. Pain Associated With Movement and Activity

This is, in fact, one of the most evident symptoms in osteoarthritis. The pain can start as soon as you move or start a certain activity and can last for several hours, even after you have stopped – the intensity of the pain may also be greater at the end of the day or during your rest period.

2. Swollen Joints and Enormous Stiffness

Joint swelling and the feeling of stiffness at the beginning of any movement or after a period of rest is another of the most visible symptoms in people who suffer from osteoarthritis. The swelling is caused by the excess of synovial fluid (the fluid that lubricates the joints) in the affected area, which ends up conditioning the freedom of movement of the respective joints (hands, feet, knees, among other members). [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

3. Loss of Movement

Swollen joints cause loss of joint amplitude, and this is usually accompanied by pain and great discomfort, which is why older people experience great difficulties and pain whenever they move. There are several causes of arthritis that explain the loss of joint amplitude, with cartilage changes, loss of capsular thickening and decreased osteophytes being the most relevant.

4. Feeling the Bones Scraping against each other

Everyone knows that cartilage is extremely important for the joints of the human body since it cushions the action of bones whenever you bend, exercise, or do other types of movements. What happens is that when the cartilage is more worn out, you may have joint pain when you feel the bones scraping against each other, and you may have bone spurs that cause you severe pain. Over time, it is natural for your joints to become deformed.

5. Joints cracking

Everyone has this doubt, but the truth is that the cracking of the bones is caused by more worn-out cartilage. It is not an alarm signal if there is no associated chronic pain. If you hear the bones in your joints cracking and have a lot of pain with it, this is a worrying sign to watch out for. However, it should be noted that people who snap their fingers (a very bad habit) may not have arthritis because of this. 5 Main Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis:


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