8 Signs You Might Have Hearing Loss But Don’t Know Yet!

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Last Updated on December 8, 2020

4. You feel like your phone’s volume is too low

If your phone is constantly on the maximum level when having phone calls or when you’re watching videos, then it might be a sign of hearing loss. It’s normal, you turn the volume up if you want to speak to someone while you’re at a concert or a party, but if you’re just in your house and you still feel the need to turn up your volume a lot, then you should get tested.

5. You say “what” a lot!

Nobody wants to be that one person who answers “what” to everything, but sometimes we can’t just help to do it; it’s almost like an automatic response. If you notice it happening a lot, you’re either a super distracted person, or, you’re experiencing hearing loss. In any case, this alone is no reason for diagnosing yourself with hearing problems. Still, if you’re suspicious about it, there are a lot of online quizzes and experiments on the internet that could tell you about your hearing health. If you feel like the results aren’t very promising, consider scheduling an appointment with your doctor. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

6. You can’t follow conversations

Another way on how to know if you have hearing loss is if you’re constantly feeling lost in group conversations. For you, lunch with friends or dinner with the whole family can be mentally and physically exhausting. Too much noise when you have hearing loss can be confusing; you hear the sound and have to focus really hard to understand the words, which then leads to annoying headaches.

7. Your ears feel clogged constantly

Poor hearing quality can present itself by unclear and muffled sounds, which gives you a feeling of plugged ears like you just went for a swim. However, you can’t seem to get rid of this feeling, and when examined, there’s no sign of infection or any possible blockage. What you shouldn’t do, is try to get rid of this clogged feeling by yourself, don’t put your fingers in your ears, neither a swab; if you do this, you can make it even worse, damaging your ear physically. Instead, leave it alone and go to the hospital.


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