8 Signs You Might Have Hearing Loss But Don’t Know Yet!

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Last Updated on December 8, 2020

Unfortunately, hearing loss starts sooner than we’d expect. Nowadays, hearing problems can manifest in teenagers and sometimes even kids. It’s no lie that all the technological advances have a big say on the causes of hearing loss. From listening to loud music on our headphones 24/7 or suffering from excessive noise exposure, which can happen if you go to a lot of concerts, movies or if you work in construction, hearing damage is very likely to happen to most of us. The good news is that the sooner we diagnose our health problems, the better chance we have of fighting it. So, are you losing your hearing? Keep reading to find out some signs you have hearing loss.

1. People often complain about the volume of your TV

You’re probably just chilling at home watching some random movie on TV when your neighbor comes knocking at your door, complaining that your TV is too loud, but for you, it’s at a “normal” volume. If this happens to you regularly, people saying your TV or music is way too loud yet for you it’s not, then maybe other people are right, and you’re the one with a wrong perception of sound, the best is to get a hearing test right away.

2. You don’t understand other people clearly

Hearing loss in adults is commonly self-diagnosed when you have a hard time understanding people around you. If someone asks you, “Are you going to the party?” And you’re like, “Am I going to Larry? Who’s Larry?” The possible outcome is that conversation ending up in laughter; however, it will stop being funny after a while. You’ll end up feeling embarrassed, and other people will get tired of repeating everything, so you’ll stop asking them to repeat, which can lead to you feeling lonely and isolated from your group. There’s no shame in using hearing aids if that means you’ll be able to have normal conversations. Just make sure you visit a hearing care professional first. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

3. Women and children voices are difficult to hear

If understanding other people is hard, women and children’s voices are just a nightmare for you! Normally, they speak in higher pitches and frequencies, which are the first frequencies we stop hearing when we don’t have a normal, healthy hearing. That’s why these types of voices might be harder for you to listen to. It can be tough not to be able to hear your grandchildren or your wife, but nowadays, there are so many possible treatments, it’s up to you to do something about it.


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