8 Hygiene Habits We Learned To Do Wrong!

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Last Updated on January 25, 2021

6. Pay Special Attention to Shower Curtains

Note if the shower curtain is too big for the bath. This will make her constantly folded and moist after each bath, making it the ideal environment for mold, mildew, and other fungi to appear.

7. Flush the Toilet with the Lid Up? Never!

It is true. Most people don’t know how to flush toilet water from a bathroom properly. Most do it with the Lid lifted, and this is not at all recommended. And for a very simple reason: tiny particles of everything you left there can jump out, and these impurities will affect the air in the entire bathroom – including towels, toilet paper, or toothbrushes that may be there. How to care for your hygiene in this aspect? It is very easy; flush the toilet water with the Lid closed. Your well-being and the health of the other elements at home will thank you.

8. Store the First Aid Box and Medicines in a Bathroom Cabinet

Most people have a habit of storing the first aid box and medicines in a bathroom cabinet, as this is a private place where the most intimate objects can be kept. However, it should be noted that the drugs work very well when the doctor’s instructions regarding their use and dosage are followed, but also if you respect the storage conditions. And in this respect, the heat and humidity that are usually felt in the bathroom can change the chemical properties of the respective medicines. It is preferable that you keep the first aid box and medicines in a drawer on the bedside table in the bedroom (if you need to take a medicine in the middle of the night) or in a kitchen cabinet so that these products do not lose their effectiveness. These are the seven incredible hygiene things we learned to do wrong in life, and you should correct them as soon as possible. Only then will you have extraordinary hygiene habits, which will be reflected in your presence and self-confidence!


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