7 Alarming and Silent Signs You Have Uterine Fibroids

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Last Updated on January 24, 2021

2. Throbbing Pains in the Womb throughout the Month

Many women have throbbing pains in the womb throughout the month, many of whom feel stabbing sensations in the womb. This means that the fibroids found in the uterus can cause horrible pain in the uterine walls, similar to the pains that you usually feel in a heart attack. Usually, these pains occur when the woman’s hormone level is lower, which is why it occurs more frequently before the menstrual cycle begins. When women experience these uterine pains and discomfort, they already know that their menstrual cycle is approaching.

3. Discomfort, Abdominal Pain, and Pelvic Pressure

One of the most difficult uterine fibroids symptoms to support is related to the growth of the respective fibroids from the muscle tissue that makes up the uterus. As they grow, they can press and hinder the proper functioning of the other organs. This development of uterine fibroids can cause discomfort, abdominal pain, and pelvic pressure, which puts a woman’s quality of life in check. In addition, they cause pain during sex and very painful menstruation – all gynecologists claim that menstruation is a natural process for women, so if there is pain during menstruation, it is a sign that something is wrong with your reproductive system.

4. Visiting the bathroom too often

If you have fibroid tumors in the uterus and they are pressing on your bladder, it is natural that you feel the need to go to the bathroom more often. In these situations, it is natural for you to feel a strong urge to urinate (as if you have not done it for several hours). However, you may experience difficulties with urination and making small amounts of urine. Uterine fibroids can also contract the tubes that carry urine from the bladder to the kidneys (a condition called hydronephrosis), and this also explains the increase in the number of times you go to the bathroom.

5. Digestive problems

Another of the silent and alarming signs that you may suffer from uterine fibroids is related to digestive problems after meals. Several reasons interfere with digestion problems – you may even be gluten intolerant, for example. But when fibroids grow uncontrollably in the muscle tissues of the uterus, it is natural that you experience enormous difficulties in digesting. And this occurs when the body has difficulties in processing the food eaten, which considerably affects the flora and intestinal transit. In these specific situations, women tend to feel bloated, constipated, with stomach discomfort, among other aspects that interfere with their daily well-being.


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