5 Super Seeds That Will Give Your Immune System A Boost!

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Last Updated on January 14, 2021

When talking about a healthy diet, a lot of people forget to mention the health benefits of seeds and how they can upgrade your diet and weight loss journey. Seeds are super affordable, and not only that, but they are also full of nutrients and vitamins that do wonders for our bodies. So why don’t we usually incorporate them into our daily lives? Well, we believe it’s because there are not enough people talking about them, and that’s why we’re here! If you wish to become a healthier person by taking your healthy foods to the next level, keep reading to find out what seeds you should include in your diet for better health and a stronger immune system. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

1. Chia Seeds

You’ve probably heard about chia seeds benefits when it comes to weight loss, but we are here to remind you. Chia seeds are known to help with your metabolism and digestive system. This means that when you consume these seeds, you’ll be burning the food you eat much faster, which ultimately leads to weight loss. But that’s not all. Chia seeds are also very rich in nutrients such as magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and many other vitamins and minerals. You can add these seeds to any type of food, from salads to smoothies, and even desserts. Here’s a quick and yummy recipe for chia seed pudding: Start with one tablespoon of chia seeds and 1/4 cup of almond milk or any other milk of your preference. Then mix all the ingredients, then add a sweetener, we suggest honey. You can either mix the honey or leave it on top. Then, refrigerate it for at least two hours, and it’s ready!

2. Sesame Seeds

If you don’t consume seeds because they don’t have a lot of taste to them, then we advise you to try sesame seeds. Not only are these seeds the tastier ones on this list, but they can also be used in many different recipes. They are known to boost your digestive system function while decreasing heart problems by lowering your cholesterol levels and promoting your overall health. These seeds can be crushed or roasted, and they’ll still provide the same benefits. You can even sprinkle some sesame seeds on top of your caesar salad, and it will taste amazing! Here’s a gluten-free cookie recipe that you can do with sesame seeds: First, you’ll need some sesame seeds, of course (roasted), 1 cup of honey, and ½ cup of erythritol. Nex step is to boil the honey and the erythritol for 5 minutes. Add the sesame seeds and mix them. After you have a thick paste going on, gently pour the hot mixture in a baking sheet. Apply thin layers for it to cool down easily. Then all that is left to do is to cut it in small pieces and eat!


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