5 Super Seeds That Will Give Your Immune System A Boost!

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Last Updated on January 14, 2021

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3. Flax Seeds

Also known as the best seeds to combat inflammation, flax seeds could be a great ally whenever you’re sick. This power seed contains three main nutrients, which are mucilage, lignans, and omega 3 fatty acids, which help with inflammation reduction and high cholesterol. If you want to see fast and effective results, try to make a smoothie first thing in the morning and add two tablespoons of flaxseeds to it. You’ll be starting your day in the healthiest way possible. You can also eat them with your favorite cereals in the morning or mix them with some yogurt. The possibilities are endless, and you’ll love the results!

4. Sunflower Seeds

The best seed for all the stressed people out there is no other than the sunflower seeds. These little but powerful seeds possess something that’s called amino acid, which results in high levels of serotonin. Consequently, these high levels of serotonin end up releasing the tension on your body, which will help you combat anxiety, stress, and, ultimately, depression. They are also filled with antioxidants, fiber, and protein. So if you’re looking for Vitamin E, copper, or vitamin B-1, this is the way to go! You can also eat them with a salad or even add some sunflower flour or powder in cakes, bread, or whatever you want to cook! Just make sure that before you eat them, the sunflower seeds are de-shelled! [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Last but not least, the pumpkin seeds are by far one of the best super seeds out there. They are not only rich in omega-3 but also omega 6 fatty acids. They also contain loads of nutritive benefits like antioxidants, fiber, and minerals. These seeds will help you fight inflammation or any disease you might have. If you suffer from sleep apnea or a lot of stress, these seeds could help you improve not only your physical health but also your mental one. Even though these seeds can be eaten raw or roasted, we advise you to eat them raw if you want to take advantage of all the nutrients and health benefits these seeds have to offer. However, eating them roasted can also be a great healthy snack. It’s up to your taste! Just be careful not to eat too many of them, since they’re super high in fiber, they can make you bloated and gassy. Small amounts per day are safe and beneficial. It’s also important to note that you don’t have to be in a diet to consume these seeds. They work great for everyone, no matter their age or condition. And if you are someone who suffers from health problems knowing how to improve your immune system might be what saves your life, and these seeds can and will have a great impact on it. We strongly suggest everyone from every age and health condition to at least try one of these seeds. You don’t have to consume them every day, but try to incorporate them somehow every now and then. Your body will thank you for it!


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