Stress Can Kill You, But Can It Cause You Cancer?

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#2 – Is there an exception?

As mentioned above, psychological stress might not be an immediate cause of cancer, but there are bad habits and factors that may result from it and cause cancer. Yet, a number of epidemiological studies suggest that there is a relationship between emotional stress and breast cancer in particular.

Meanwhile, other scientific studies opposed this claim, suggesting that stress hormones have no role in the development of breast cancer or other types of cancer.

There is no strong evidence yet of whether overwhelming stress and anxiety experienced by women could directly result in cancerous tumor growth.

#3 – Does stress worsen cancer?

Although stress is not proved to be a direct cause of cancer, it can in fact worsen cancer type in people who already have them.

In some cancer treatments around the world, patients are screened for distress, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Cancer patients also participate in stress management sessions and receive emotional support as part of their treatment to decrease levels of fear and anxiety caused by the disease, and helps cope with depression.

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As for people suffering from DNA damage caused by severe stress, may risk developing cancer if treatment is delayed. In this case, more stress may even worsen DNA damage as well as cancer.

#4 – What to do to cope with stress

If you’re battling with chronic stress, it is necessary to steer away from unhealthy lifestyle habits like eating junk foods, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, taking drugs, living a sedentary lifestyle, sleeping less at night, etc. These habits may cost you your health and life.

Instead, meditate, exercise regularly, play sports to relieve stress, and see a psychologist or counselor if you have suicidal thoughts.

If you have gone through a traumatic event, do not hesitate to seek professional help as it can help you a great deal with overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Stress is the culprit behind poor physical and mental health. However, when it comes to cancer in particular, it remains to be seen, with stronger scientific studies, whether it can be the primary agent and immediate cause of the disease in people.



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