9 Unexpected Reasons Your Hair Is Turning Grey!

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Last Updated on December 13, 2020

8. Vitamin deficiency

One of the negative impacts that nutritional deficiencies can have on your body is precisely related to hair pigmentation. Deficiencies of vitamin B6 and B12, vitamin D, biotin, and vitamin E can all contribute to premature graying. According to a few studies, the good news is that this problem can be overcome with vitamin supplementation. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

9. Environmental factors

The toxins released by environmental pollution cause free radicals and oxidative stress damage, which in turn can speed up the aging process and lead to premature graying – among other health problems. A diet rich in antioxidants can be a great way to reduce this type of damage and keep your hair (and overall health) in great shape. It’s worth mentioning that environmental pollution has a very low impact on premature graying, especially when compared with aging or genetics. In any case, this is also a good reason to become an environmental activist.


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