7 Causes Of Blood Clots You Should Watch Out For!

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Last Updated on April 16, 2021

7. Being Overweight

Obesity contributes a lot to the formation of blood clots inside the veins of the body. This is because the extra pounds you have to make your lower body always overloaded, putting pressure on your knees and leg veins. This is, in fact, one of the symptoms of a blood clot in legs that you can and should avoid when adopting a healthy and balanced diet. When doing various cardiovascular physical exercises – climbing stairs is one of the most indicated and recommended exercises. The narrower the blood flow in your legs, the more likely you are to have blood clots inside the lower veins. These are the seven amazing causes of blood clots that can cause a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a pulmonary embolism, among other severe damages in the functioning of the organs of the human body. If you identify yourself with any of these reasons, you should immediately speak to your family doctor for further clarification and treatment. Do not forget that the secret is always in prevention, and that makes all the difference in your health and quality of life.


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