7 Alarming Signs that Your Headache is Not Normal

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Last Updated on January 14, 2021

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5. Headache on Waking Up? No, Thank You!

There is nothing worse than a morning headache because you already feel like the day is going to be ruined. And usually, this is precisely what happens. And all of this is due to cluster headaches. These specific headaches occur more frequently on one side of the head and can be extremely painful and disabling. Cluster headaches can be caused by brain tumors, hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, among other medical conditions. However, be aware that deep depression and the absence of caffeine in the body have these same effects. To prevent waking up with a headache, it is necessary that you include foods like ginger and pepper in your diet. These capsaicin-rich foods are an asset in preventing migraines. You should also use magnesium supplements and triptan medicines or other treatment methods, such as intravenous dihydroergotamine (DHE) medication.

4. Watch Out for Headaches Combined with Fever or Stiff Neck

Be particularly aware of headaches accompanied by fever or stiffness in the neck area, as this is an indication of encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the membrane that covers and protects the brain). Both are extremely dangerous and can be fatal. This type of problem is more frequent in people who have a weaker immune system, in people who have diabetes, and those who use suppressive drugs. So in case you suffer from this condition, know that this type of infection can only be treated with intravenous antibiotic therapy. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

3. Do You Feel Thunder inside Your Head?

Another very common – and painful – type of headache is the one that causes a thunderstorm sensation inside the head. It is a very strong and uncomfortable headache that causes a sharp stabbing pain in the head and can develop in less than 1 minute and last for more than 1 hour. This type of headache implies, in most cases, bleeding in the brain after an eventual arterial rupture, brain tumor, stroke (stroke), or other types of blood vessel lesions. Also, it may be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. To determine the most effective treatment for this type of headache, it is best to speak to your family doctor. Note that what may work for you, does not mean that it’ll work for a family member, for example. And vice versa. Each case is different and require different treatments.


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