6 Tips To Make Your Face Mask More Effective

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Last Updated on November 22, 2020

3. The Filter

To ensure that your cloth face mask also works as an antiviral face mask, a filter might be added, thus adding an extra layer of protection. An effective filter needs to block small particles, which means it needs to be dense, but you also need to ensure that your face mask is breathable. According to the CDC, using coffee filters can work. But you can always do your research – be sure not to add any toxic materials as filters, like HEPA filters, that may contain fiberglass. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

4. The Perfect Fit

You will not want to take off your mask while you are out, so you need to make sure that you are capable of breathing while having your mask on. Make sure that there are no gaps allowing the air to get inside your mask and purchase a size that fits you. You can always make adjustments if you need to, but if it’s hard for you to breathe with your mask on, do not use it and consider other options for covering your face.

5. How To Use A Face Mask Correctly

You can have the best face mask in the whole entire world, but if you don’t know how to use it properly, it won’t be any good. When removing the mask from your face, do not touch the front of the mask – instead, pull it away using the loops. If you are going to put the mask inside your bag, be sure to put it inside a plastic bag or any other bag and wash it as soon as you get home. Also, avoid taking the mask off your face and putting it back on to make sure you are safe from any infection. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

6. Plan For Specific Situations

There are certain situations in which you are not required to wear a mask. So if you are going out, you should plan. If you are going out for a run, for example, wearing a mask can be difficult, so try to choose a place where there aren’t too many people, so you don’t have to wear a mask while exercising. And even if you are wearing a mask, try to keep a safe distance from the people around you.


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