10 Side Effects Of Drinking Beer Daily

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Beer Consequence #7: Alcoholic Hepatitis

© Hepatitis Central

Although it’s known to occur in heavy drinkers, the Alcoholic Hepatitis is complex. It can develop in those who drink moderately and don’t affect heavy alcoholics at all.

After drinking beer, your liver doesn’t respond the same way and starts producing toxic chemicals that trigger inflammation, destroying liver cells and interfering with its function.

A few more signs that daily glass of beer is doing you wrong are yellowish skin and jaundice (the white of the eyes). If left untreated, it can lead to cirrhosis and death.

Beer Consequence #8: Cirrhosis

© StyleCraze

If you’re thinking you can deal with a little heartburn and heaviness in order to have a good time, then reflect upon the consequences of these constant symptoms. The more you consume beer, your liver hardens as alcohol becomes fat.

This process can lead to cirrhosis, which is a condition caused by excessive alcohol drinking, disabling the liver to properly function due to long-term damages. It takes several months and sometimes years to be detected and symptoms are very hard to notice until they become aggravated.

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