10 Hidden Lupus Symptoms You Need to Watch Out For

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Last Updated on October 16, 2020

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9. You’re experiencing chest pain

Chest pain is often mistaken for a heart attack, but if your doctor has already ruled out heart disease, then lupus might be to blame. Lupus can cause swelling all over the body, including in the sacs that surround the lungs and heart. If the lungs are affected, you may experience dull yet consistent chest pain or shortness of breath. But in any case, you need to see a doctor as soon as you start experiencing chest pain.

10. You have psychotic episodes

The worst part about lupus is that it can affect any body part, including the brain, sometimes leading to psychosis. Lupus can have many neurological symptoms, such as seizures, moodiness, paranoia, confusion, hallucinations, and even schizophrenia. So if you have no history of mental illness and start having such symptoms, you should get checked for lupus. Before you go, please tell us what you think and don’t forget to share this article with people you know.


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