6 Interesting Facts About Urine That You Probably Didn’t Know!

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Last Updated on January 18, 2021

4. Urine Doesn’t Heal A Jellyfish Sting

Anyone who’s ever been stung by a jellyfish(or seen someone get stung) knows that the venom can cause extreme pain. But urinating all over the wound won’t ease that pain. It is just a myth – a myth that has become inexplicably popular. In theory, ammonia and urea are helpful for some types of stings, and both these substances can be found in urine. The problem is that they are so diluted that there’s no way they can be effective, as several studies have shown. The next time you hear someone suggest this method, you have to tell them that it just doesn’t work that way. 5.7-7 Average On average, people urinate seven times a day for about seven seconds. Of course, this will depend on each person, so don’t worry if you pee more or less often, or if your pee stream lasts longer. However, keep in mind that if you have a strong urge to pee, and you only do it for about two or three seconds, you might be dealing with an infection. Another quick fun fact: the Guinness World Record for the longest pee is precisely 508 seconds. That’s more than eight minutes straight. The human body truly is fascinating!

6. Some People Can’t Pee If Someone Is Around!

Seriously. They are not being picky! This is a real anxiety disorder that affects a considerable amount of people. The medical term used to refer to this condition is paruresis, and it is also commonly known as shy bladder syndrome. If you suffer from this condition and you feel it’s having a negative impact on your life, you should know hat it can be overcome with therapy. Don’t be ashamed to seek help. When To Worry About Your Urine? As we have already mentioned, the appearance and smell of your urine can be a really good indicator that something might be wrong with your organism. Similarly, the frequency with which you pee might also be a sign of some health problem. Here’s everything you need to know: Smelly urine: causes of smelly urine include dehydration, urinary tract infection, type 2 diabetes (sweet smell), and a sexually transmitted infection (fou smell). Different urine colors and potential meanings: amber-colored urine might be a sign of dehydration, orange urine might be a sign of liver problems, pink or red urine indicates that there is blood in the urine, dark-brown urine might be a sign of liver or kidney problems, and white urine might be a sign of urinary tract infection. Foamy urine: causes of foamy urine include dehydration, urinary tract infection, sexually transmitted infection, diabetes, prostate problems, kidney stones, and vaginal infection. Blood in urine: causes of blood in the urine include kidney stones, kidney disease, prostate problems, urinary tract infection, and kidney or bladder cancer. Burning sensation or pain: causes of burning or painful urination include inflammation, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and prostate cancer. Frequent urination: causes of frequent urination include urinary tract infection, uncontrolled diabetes, and prostate problems. Weak urine stream can also indicate acute urinary retention.


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