8 Simple Scientific Hints to Know the Gender of Your Baby

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#8 – You Develop Gestational Diabetes

You Develop Gestational Diabetes© pinterest

The gestational is a pregnancy symptom when the glucose is higher than normal in the blood. There are multiple studies about this case and they don’t know yet the reason why mothers who are expecting boys are more at risk to develop this symptom than mothers who are carrying baby girls.

Now that you have a clearer picture of what gender your baby is, you can use other ways that are not backed up by science but they are fun. Here are some of the common ones:

Feel the kicks: not only the number but also where the baby kicks you, the higher it is, the more chances you are having a girl.

Read your face: if you notice that your hair is a little lifeless and your face is suffering from acne, then the chances are you are having a girl.

Feel the fetus’ heart rate: it’s a little scientific but it was never proven, if the baby’s heart beats are 140 or less, then you are having a boy, and if the heartbeat is 140 or more, then it’s going to be a girl.

Look at your belly: Some people can tell only by the shape of their tummy. If it was rounded and high: it’s a girl. But, if it was low and elongated: it’s a boy.

Congratulations, in advance!



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