7 Surprising Ways You Are Aging Yourself Faster!

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Last Updated on November 22, 2020

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4. Eating Sugary Foods And All Kinds Of Junk Food

Foods have an extraordinary effect on the body, and some foods make you age faster. If, for example, you adopt a healthy and balanced diet, it is natural that your body is in excellent condition and that you always feel young and full of energy to carry out your daily tasks. If you want to know how to stay young looking, this is the best option to follow. On the other hand, if you eat sugary foods, such as crackers, sodas, gums, among other similar foods, and all kinds of junk foods such as hamburgers, pizzas, or chips, you will have an unhealthy diet and be sick. You will look more tired and have no vitality to do anything. High levels of sugar in the blood cause inflammation and cause a decrease in collagen in the skin (vitamins and nutrients are not absorbed by the cells), which makes the skin dry and wrinkled.

5. Not Wearing Sunglasses Daily

Sunglasses are the best accessory you should wear to know how to keep your skin looking young and wrinkle-free. The lines on the face, the age spots and the appearance of expression lines on the face are the first signs of high exposure to ultraviolet rays. That’s one reason why you shouldn’t get more than 20 minutes of sunlight a day – this is enough time for your body to absorb the necessary amount of vitamin D. Make sure to opt for the use of polarized lenses, when choosing sunglasses, so that there is total filtration of UV rays. They will considerably improve your eyesight on the brightest and sunniest days. Tip: To know what keeps skin looking young, do not spend hours lying on the beach in the sun to have an excellent tan. This will only make your skin gain more wrinkles and blemishes. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

6. Forcing The Way You’re Looking At Screens

Often, we end up forcing our eyes when we are in front of the screen of the tablet, smartphone, TV, or other monitored devices to carefully follow what is being said or written in the subtitles. In these situations, it is normal for you to adopt a frown, an eyebrow lift, or even a half-closed eye. And it shouldn’t happen because it will cause lines and wrinkles in the areas around the eyes. For this not to happen, you should take regular breaks when you are in front of a screen. Only then can your eyes maintain a more accurate view and without forcing the act of seeing.


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