Can Bad Teeth Kill You? 5 Scary Health Effects To Watch Out For!

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Last Updated on February 16, 2021

3. Respiratory issues

People suffering from pre-existing lung conditions, such as asthma and other chronic respiratory diseases, can put their health at great risk by neglecting their dental and oral health and hygiene. Again inflamed gums and bad teeth can easily infect other organs of the body by transmitting bacteria and infections through the bloodstream. Once this happens, the infected and inflamed blood will reach out to your lungs and aggravate your respiratory system. So better stay safe than sorry, don’t you think!

4. Dementia

Now, you really should be scared! See how neglecting a simple dental issue, such as cavities, can ruin your smile, damage your brain, and even end your life! Infected gums means inflammed gums and, Therefore, inflamed bloodstream. So you can imagine how many organs you are destroying without even realizing it! So, can bad teeth kill you? Worse than causing you deadly diseases, bad teeth can kill you slowly by affecting your brain and damaging its cells. This increases your risks of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s.

5. Cancer

Your mouth is a welcome mat for nasty bacteria, and not taking your periodontal diseases seriously can lead to deadly diseases, such as cancer. Studies show that people with gum diseases are more prone to develop different types of cancer, including, pancreas cancer, blood, and kidney cancer. Hence, skipping your dental visits is definitely not smart! Apart from what’s mentioned above, smiling can utterly transform one’s face, especially if the smile displays a beautiful set of pearly, healthy, and strong teeth! So, make sure you take good care of them to always look and feel your best! BONUS Can Bad teeth Kill you? Yes, and here is what you should do to keep your teeth and gums in the best condition possible:
  • Brush your teeth after every meal and snack.
  • Use a soft toothbrush that will clean your gums without damaging them, and make sure you replace your brush every few months.
  • Floss at least once a day, preferably using a non-shredding waxed floss.
  • Don’t forget to clean and brush your tongue with the use of a tongue scraper.
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to clean your teeth and provide your gumps with health-boosting vitamins.
  • Drink lots and lots of water to prevent dry mouth. The latter can lead to tooth decay and halitosis.
  • Avoid smoking and using tobacco.
  • Regularly visit your dentist or hygienist.


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