To Carb Or Not To Carb? This Is All You Need To Know!

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Last Updated on March 2, 2021

3. Should I go keto?

At this point, you may be wondering if the keto diet has so many health benefits, why the whole is not on keto yet? The answer to this question is like any other diet. The keto diet has its own defects. Foods rich in fat are indeed delicious, but they are not satisfying. Unlike protein-rich diets that make you feel full with fewer calories, the keto diet leaves you hungry with more calories because one gram of protein or carbs has around 4 calories, whereas one gram of fat has around 9 calories. So if you are good with math like me; you will notice that on a high protein or carb diet,you can eat double of the food that you had on keto diet.The more high volume you eat, the less hungry you get. Plus, studies have shown that being in ketosis for a long period of time can lead to hormone imbalances. A keto diet can also lead you to lose a lot of your muscle mass, and the less muscles you have, the less calories you’ll burn. Overall, Carbs are not good or bad. Our body will function almost the same on any diet. Cutting carbs completely has its ups and its downs. So to carb or not? I would say: it depends. Each body is created unique in its own way, so each person should try and do the things that make his or her body feel good. As long as you feel healthy both physically and mentally, you do whatever feels right for you alone, and remember to always treat your body like a temple. Stay healthy ! See you Next time !


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