Here Are The Deadliest Cancers That Have No Cure!

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Lung cancer


The second most popular cancer by diagnosis and the leading killer one is lung cancer.
Smoking is the major cause of this disease that can’t be spotted until it is very advanced, which makes it too late for the patient to cure it. However, if lung cancer was detected early, then it is so easy to treat.

This type of cancer is known for its small cell lung cancers that are more likely to spread quicker than the big cells cancer.

According to statistics, the survival rate for a patient with lung cancer is 54%, which is considered to be a good rate.

Colorectal cancer


Cancer that attacks our rectum and colon is called colorectal cancer, and it is America’s 4th most common cancer and also the 4th highest cause of deaths.

Unlike other types of cancer, this one can show a few symptoms when it is still in the early stages. If they were detected, then the survival rate is 90%.

Unfortunately, people don’t enjoy doing the colonoscopy (the diagnostic test), which is why it is not always caught. So if you have any doubt, don’t be embarrassed or ashamed to do a checkup, it is better than losing your life!

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