7 Signs Of Brain Tumor You Should Never Ignore

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Last Updated on February 3, 2021

5. Speech issues

We have already discussed how brain tumors located in the temporal lobes can cause hearing issues. But that’s not all. That area of the brain is also responsible for comprehending language and controlling the motor function of speech. That’s why people with brain tumors in the frontal or temporal lobes may experience great difficulty understanding what others are saying and suffer from slurred or stuttering speech. [ads shortcode=”td_responsive”]

6. Balance and coordination issues

Balance and coordination are other aspects of motor function that brain tumors located in the cerebellum might affect. This part of the brain plays a key role in motor control, so when it is disturbed by a tumor, the patient might experience an unusual loss of balance characterized by a tendency to lean toward one side when walking. It can also cause an increased difficulty maintaining the balance when walking in a dark area – or any other situation where visual references are scarce.

7. Mood swings

Medical experts point out that feelings of depression and anxiety are fairly common among brain tumor patients. This usually occurs when a tumor compresses or causes irritation in some parts of the frontal lobe. Furthermore, the tumor’s pressure may also cause sudden mood swings and even unexpected personality and behavior changes.


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