7 Detox Tips Your Body Desperately Needs !

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Last Updated on February 1, 2021

3. The Power of Green Tea!

There are many detoxing drinks on the market, like juices and smoothies based on natural fruits and plants, but there are none as powerful as green tea. Green tea helps you lose weight, prevent cardiovascular disease, reduce bad breath, prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, protect your body and mind from aging, among other extraordinary benefits. However, one of the greatest benefits of drinking green tea is related to its antioxidant effects. Green tea – thanks to its antioxidant effects, helps the body to neutralize the action of “endogenous and exogenous free radicals” without interfering with the correct functioning of the body. For these reasons, you should drink green tea regularly – about 3 to 5 cups a day for several weeks, as this will help your body do a complete detox.

4. Have You Ever Thought About Fasting? Try It!

You might need to fast for a few hours to eliminate all harmful impurities and toxic substances inside your body. How can you do that? It is very simple: avoid all sorts of junk or processed foods and maintain adequate hydration. The countless health benefits of fasting will be immediate, as your vital organs will be cleaner, and you will feel better and lighter than ever.

5. Dry Brushing? Ever!

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and, as such, plays an essential role in protecting the body from harmful agents that try to damage or invade it. Therefore, you must take care of your skin’s health, similar to the care you have with your lips, teeth, eyes, ears, among other areas of the body. And one of the most effective ways to achieve this is dry brushing. What is dry brushing? In general, it is a cleaning process that uses a natural bristle brush (never use a synthetic bristle brush because it damages your skin) to exfoliate and eliminate dead cells that are on the skin’s surface. And the truth is that there are countless benefits of dry brushing, such as improving blood flow, unclogging skin pores, reducing cellulite, stress relief, among many other aspects that will enhance the functioning of internal organs.


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