Removing Pubic Hair? Here are 8 Mistakes You Need to Avoid

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#1 – Removing Your Pubes while on Your Period

Removing Your Pubes while on Your Period© The Quint

Removing pubic hair is agonizing enough on its own, let alone when your period joins in! All the bloating, maddening cramps, and heavy flow will only make things worse.

Besides, when we’re menstruating, the body’s pain sensitivity increases, so you’ll likely experience more pain than on normal days. However, period symptoms can vary from one woman to another.

Do yourself a favor and just wait until your period is gone to remove your pubes. Also, if you have an appointment with a pro, just delay it.

#2 – Not Trimming First

Not Trimming First© The Independent

You may find trimming annoying, boring, and time-wasting, but trust me, you’re not alone. Actually, it’s a necessary and effective step to remove pubic hair, particularly if you’re going to use depilatory creams or wax.

Let me explain. The wax won’t grip properly to hairs and remove them from the roots if they’re not about 1/8 to 1/4 of an inch. Any shorter or longer won’t deliver flawless results. Also, when using a depilatory cream, it might not be 100% effective.



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