Cancer Warning Signs You Need to Watch Out For

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Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#1 – Weight Changes

Weight Changes©

Since cancer cells attack the healthy ones, your body’s response may come out in the form of weight loss. As stated by the American Cancer Society (ACS), several undiagnosed cancer patients suddenly lose 10 pounds or even more. Actually, this can be the very first cancer sign.

Losing weight inexplicably can occur in other health conditions, such as hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid. But the difference with cancer is that it can come on rather suddenly. It is most prominent in cancers of the stomach, pancreas, lung, and esophagus.

#2 – Fever or Blood Loss

Fever or Blood Loss© seeDoc

Fever is the way in which the human body responses to an illness or infection. Individuals who suffer from cancer will often have a fever as a symptom but it’s usually a sign that the cancer is affecting the immune system or that it has spread to another area. Fever is rarely an early sign of cancer but it might be, especially in case of blood cancer, such as lymphoma or leukemia.

Certain cancers might also cause strange bleeding. For example, rectal or colon cancer may cause bloody stools, while blood in the urine can be a sign of bladder or prostate cancer. It’s crucial to report such serious symptoms or any unfamiliar discharge to your doctor for examination. Furthermore, blood loss may be more discreet in stomach cancer.



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